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Friday, March 3, 2023

Technology in the Classroom Setting

Technology use in the classroom is something that is becoming more prevalent in today's society. They are hardly any classrooms that don't use technology in some aspect. There is use of smart boards, laptops, tablets, phones, and many other devices. Teachers use technology daily, and there are many more ways to incorporate it into their classroom. From when technology was first introduced, till now, there are many more ideas of how to implement it. There is always something new that is coming out so it is important for teachers to be able to adapt and learn quickly so their students can get the most out of technology. 
Classroom full of students using laptops

Technology became a huge part of the classroom when Covid-19 hit. Students, teachers, and parents all had to rely heavily on technology. Some may have not even had to do this before. Everyone was using Zoom, and platforms like Canvas and Google Classroom. Technology is something that isn't going away so it will be interesting to see how technology is used in the future. 

When I was in school, technology was slowly being introduced. I vividly remember the day my teacher got a smart board installed. It made all of us excited to learn and encouraged participation in during whole group instruction. Everyone wanted the opportunity to go use the pen on the board, even if it was just clicking an answer. In middle school, each student got a laptop. We all were so excited and again, it made us eager to learn since we got to use these devices. I have basically grown up with technology being integrated into the classroom. I look forward to learning and coming up with ways to use it in my own classroom in the future. Technology will be something that I use and rely on but I also think it is important to still use paper and pencil every once in a while, especially for subjects like math. I am eager to see the ways technology changes in my time as an educator and while I am still in school. I think there will always be something to learn regarding technology. 

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